CRAN/E | R Packages from Denis Ineshin

Denis Ineshin

Author of 2 R packages

Quick info

Denis Ineshin has worked on 2 packages so far. In total, Denis Ineshin has worked with 38 other authors on those packages. Impressive teamwork!


Joe Cheng
Carson Sievert
Posit Software
jQuery Foundation
jQuery contributors
Mark Otto
Jacob Thornton
Bootstrap contributors
Brian Reavis
Kristopher Michael Kowal
es5-shim contributors
Sami Samhuri
Winston Chang
JJ Allaire
Barret Schloerke
Yihui Xie
Jeff Allen
Jonathan McPherson
Alan Dipert
Barbara Borges
jQuery UI contributors
Prem Nawaz Khan
Victor Tsaran
Dennis Lembree
Srinivasu Chakravarthula
Cathy O'Connor
Stefan Petre
Andrew Rowls
Salmen Bejaoui
SpryMedia Limited
John Fraser
John Gruber
Ivan Sagalaev
R Core Team